heARTsake Creative Painting Adventures
Ignite Your Creative Spark with Art for Your HeART
by Ann-Marie
by Ann-Marie
It is so exhilarating and powerful to leave your permanent mark, your unique artistic vision on something. I had this amazing opportunity to paint a mural on two brick garden walls outside the St Thomas Tourist office in downtown St Thomas, Ontario, Canada. It has been so wonderful hearing the positive comments of people passing by. And thank you for all the love on Social Media!
Special thanks to St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation, Railway City Tourism and Graphenstone paints.
This was my first time painting on brick and I learned that it was a good idea to apply a primer beforehand. So to begin, I applied a colourless primer from Graphenstone paints, AmbientPrimer L44 and let that dry for 24 hours.
For the next step, I painted a blue background using a very pale blue (INDO WATER) and a darker blue {PARAIBA). Paints from Graphenstone Grafclean Premium line.
An ecoGreen paint with a matte white finish recommended for exterior walls with high humidity. It is free of all toxic substances and also highly breathable. The product contains lime which acts as a natural preservative thus eliminating the use of harmful chemicals and/or carcinogenic materials. Manufactured with Graphenstone technology, providing resistance and durability.
Thanks to Graphenstone for sponsoring this project, I must say I am loving these paints!
Day 3: outlines and added some colour
Day 4 progress!
Day 5. It was so hot today! A lot of great comments from people passing by.
Day 6…almost done. Added a butterfly and my website signature for those passing by and taking photos 🙂
Day 7- Scorching hot day
The final photos and reflection
What an incredible opportunity to work on this project. It was an honour and privilege to produce a permanent work of art in the heart of Downtown St Thomas Ontario.
The story of Jumbo the elephant is rather tragic and sad. He was a circus animal that was hit and killed by a train in St Thomas in 1885. In 1985 this statue of Jumbo was erected here.
I’m hoping my mural will help to heal the elephant spirit. I love the elephant symbol, she is so gentle, wise and strong. Did you know elephants will come together to mourn their dead? I see all these new painted elephants around St Thomas coming together to lament and honour Jumbo in a joyous way.
This was part of the Track to the Future mural project coordinated by Railway City Tourism in collaboration with Andrew Gunn Consulting and young & free press with generous financial support from the Estate of Donna Vera Evans Bushell. Thank you!
Thank you so much Railway City Tourism for the fantastic “About the Artist” article where you can read more about me and the mural!
by Ann-Marie
I love these mandala blankets! Great for mediations or just lying on at the beach.
Use my code HEARTSAKE and get 15 percent off.
by Ann-Marie
My favorite oracle deck at the moment is Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. They are so inspiring whenever I have a question, I turn to the goddess.
Lately I’ve been constantly drawing this Ixchel – Medicine woman, Mayan moon goddess card. “You are a channel for Divine healing power.”
“Commanding power is not the same as demanding it. Demanding comes from a childlike place akin to a tantrum, based upon the fear that it might be withheld. Commanding is based upon the sure and steady knowledge that you are part of the Great Spirit’s grace and wisdom. You’re a lightning rod that can conduct the power. Simply connect to the power through unyielding clarity of your thought processes. Don’t waver for a moment in your sure and steady decision to be a conduit of the that already resides within you. Connect to the even bigger source, and allow it to amplify your natural power. In this way, you’re a steady connector of the Infinite, and to the Infinite. In other words, it’s all Spirit: around you, through you, and to whomever you’re healing.”
– Doreen Virtue
Another favorite deck is Earth Warriors Oracle by Alana Fairchild. In this deck Ixchel is the Medicine of the Rainbow Jaquar.
“Ixchel protects you now as you transition from one life phase to the next. With her rainbow light, this guardian goddess instructs you on how to use great power with wisdom, to nourish only what is worthy. Using Jaguar medicine, with perfect timing, she confronts that which is unworthy of her devotion, eradicating destructive forces and creating space for healing relief and rebirth. Her presence is the wild power of the jaguar, the renewal promise of the rainbow and divine feminine creativity. All darkness shall be overcome.”
– Alana Fairchild
by Ann-Marie
Just a few years ago I remember getting the phone call just as fresh in my mind as if it was yesterday. Brian said, your mom is in the hospital and it’s not looking good. I thought to myself, she’s going to be fine. Less than an hour later, Brian called back to say sorry my mom had passed away due to a blood clot in her lungs. I was totally devastated. How could this happen? She was so active, and appeared to be so young and healthy. Then I had to tell my kids that their beloved nana had died.
We didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.
My mom loved angels and fairies and would often gift me little statues. That’s why I paint a lot of angels right now, to honour my mom and to help me heal.
As a Creative Experience Guide my mission is to ignite your creative spark. I can show you how to start your own personal sacred painting practice, even if you think you’re not an artist.
Through meditations and creative drawing and painting exercises I will help you connect with your inner artist so you can live at a higher vibration bringing your life into balance and healing and rediscovering that joy and magic in the art that is your life.
Sign up for my free gift below. A 3 part video workshop where you will be painting the Sacred Tree of Life with acrylic paints on canvas using The heARTsake Painting Method. (No previous painting experience required.)
by Ann-Marie
I found this great set on amazon that comes with easel, brushes, paints, canvasses and more! Great for beginners starting their own painting practice.
For those of you in the London Ontario, I purchase my supplies at Bijan’s Art Studio or Curry’s Art Store
I like using these Floral stencils I ordered from Amazon. 6 X 6 inches
You, of course, want as much sacred symbol energy as possible, right? Yes! Whenever you are feeling low energy, stressed, anxious, or just apathetic, look at your Artual Stencils and allow the one that you need to speak to you. Bulk Package – (6) 5 x 7 Stencils + 1 NEW stencil included in the set now for free. It is the “Freya Knot” stencil. A symbol of union and our connection to the infinite.