Remember when you were a child and would happily draw or colour for hours totally emerged in your own magical world?
When did you stop making art?
Maybe someone told you that you had no talent, perhaps someone said you can’t make a living from art and pushed you towards a different career.
Hi, I’m Ann-Marie Cheung, Visionary Artist and Creative Experience Guide. I believe we are all creative. My mission is to ignite your creative spark.
Through meditations and creative drawing and painting exercises I will help you connect with your inner artist so you can live at a higher vibration bringing your life into balance and healing and rediscovering that joy and magic in the art that is your life.

Sign up for The heARTsake Inner Circle below!
Be the first to know what’s happening in the heARTsake community where we come together to create, have fun and connect with our inner artist. You’ll be the first to know when our new courses become available.
As a special gift you will receive a 3 part video workshop where you will be painting the Sacred Tree of Life with acrylic paints on canvas using The heARTsake Painting Method TM where you will learn how to bring your heart and mind into balance in a fun, creative way.
No previous painting experience required.
* We will never share your data and you can easily unsubscribe anytime.
The Whispers of Trees by Ann-Marie Cheung
A book of 108 hand painted whimsical trees with inspiring, motivational words. Trees are beautiful symbols of strength and growth that sustain our planet and give us our breath of life. These were created with watercolor, ink and salt (symbolic of my tears). Visit a random page and meditate on the tender message that the tree whispers to you. Paperback and kindle versions available
Purchase here:
CDN https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09RTTT53C
US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09RTTT53C
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09RTTT53C
AU https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09RTTT53C

The Buddha Painting Program
Paint the energy of Buddha for peace and centering

This is where we gather, in our collective “studio,” to create our OMMMMMM…
Join Whitney Freya and hundreds of compassionate creatives to paint your own Buddha painting!
Enjoy 8 instructional videos…joining Whitney “live” as she paints Buddha and guides you every brush stroke of the way!
This course offers very specific instruction about how to paint Buddha’s face, helping you to paint any kind of faces, with emphasis on shading and making the face look three dimensional.
With the techniques shared in this course, you can go on to paint anything!
Supercharge Your Chakra Practice
During this complimentary session, you’ll discover:
- A quick overview of the chakra system that resonates intuitively and works with Western psychology
- The specific health and body challenges associated with each chakra — and practices that can address and heal each of them
- How to differentiate between too much and too little “charge” in your system, and balance your life force appropriately
- Ways to work with energetic blocks, and how to shift them more gracefully
After nearly 40 years of study, personal practice and teaching, Anodea knows exactly what works (and what doesn’t). You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover her practices for aligning and activating your chakras so you can use them to energize and power every area of your life.
I hope to “see” you there! It’s FREE to attend and you will receive a recording if you can’t listen live: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/sceg/a23547